Hello Jon,

I've just come back from Kruger Had wonderful sightings but from the photography point of view rather poor, very tall grass after the rains over the past few months, also park was quite busy and we could not get bookings in those camps we like in the North. Thought of you when I saw lions

Nice to see a Roe Deer, framing works and pose is nice with the subject looking towards you. Techs look good. Environment is a tad busy (just like in Kruger Park ), but nothing you could do about that. I find the blueish edge of the little dam a bit distracting.

Regarding Vibrance / Saturation...I too think it is too much. I have never gone to +20 on Vibrance. Had you perhaps worked more selectively it would have been better... seems you warmed up the entire image, which does not help if you want the subject to stand out.

Thank you for sharing Jon, and I hope you have a great afternoon

Warmest regards,