My $0.02

I am understand that Maxis did violate the contest rules, he also admitted himself, but the biggest lost is I think is that Maxis was (still into my eyes) one of the best new generation photographers. I hope that Maxis learns from his mistakes and keep up producing awesome images and with time redeem himself by keep working at the best of his abilities. I also hope that with time the nature photographers community forgive and forget...

It is hard to understand someones motivation, but, maybe ... there are some economical motivations, it seems that the photography business have become very competitive, mainly when the biggest source of income for photographers is by teaching classes, therefore winning a couple of contest can help an upcoming photographer establish his name...

I have to admit that I have become a lurker more than an active participant since this type of discussion drive me away from this awesome site....


BTW: I never have the pleasure to meet Maxis, I did exchange a couple messages on this forum when I was starting on the forum.