
Question here is not is it ethical or unethical.

question here is not are we agreeing or disagreeing on ethical vs unethical.

question here is are we standing on what we say?

One thing I understood from my studies regarding animals in urban life is when they approach human beings is not because they fell safe around them.
They are in a state of confusion and they dont know if its a threat to them or not. Tiger watching people from a distance is different from an alligator watching people in florida. In first case there is a confusion and in second case there is a comfort that food might be on the way. It is evident from many researches that being in contact with urban life is not being in stable state. Its been proved in many cases. Polar bears in Churchill and moose in anchorage etc all this are examples of animals in close contact with humans but always aware of human presence in back of their mind.

One of the things I learned from Artie is his knowledge and commitment to work. When experience speaks it always better to listen to them.

I still remember my friend's words when I went to fort desoto for frist time to see Artie's workshop.
He said "He is Art Morris and you are god **** Sid. who do you think people will listen to?" and I believe he is always true.