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  • Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
    Today, 11:49 AM
    Good evening dear Steve, Indeed it is golden, just look at those awesome yellows, oranges and reds:cheers: Loving this frame for its rich...
    1 replies | 31 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    Today, 06:06 AM
    Subject: Zebra and foal in golden light Location: Africa Camera: Canon EOS R3 Lens: EF 300mm f/2.8L IS II USM HH (Circular polariser) Exposure:...
    1 replies | 31 view(s)
  • Jonathan Ashton's Avatar
    Today, 04:37 AM
    Jonathan Ashton replied to a thread Leopard rocks in Wildlife
    Super shot not exactly something you would see regularly. The details in the leopard look excellent, I like the colours overall. I could also see a...
    4 replies | 127 view(s)
  • Jonathan Ashton's Avatar
    Today, 04:31 AM
    Jonathan Ashton replied to a thread Zebra in Wildlife
    I really like the zebra Andreas colours/tones look ideal - lots of detail there. I am a little curious about the background.... is this simply DOF...
    2 replies | 105 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    Today, 02:57 AM
    Steve Kaluski replied to a thread Barn Owl in Avian
    Nice flight shot with prey Jon. Like the soft, pastel colours, but there is a soft wide halo around the near wing???? At f/8 in old money the near...
    3 replies | 71 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    Today, 02:50 AM
    Steve Kaluski replied to a thread Eider in Avian
    Hi Will I like the pose and overall colours, albeit it could stand with a bit more exposure. The choppy sea backdrop is nice to 'pop' the subject,...
    1 replies | 69 view(s)
  • Jonathan Ashton's Avatar
    Today, 02:18 AM
    Jonathan Ashton replied to a thread Barn Owl in Avian
    Thanks Brian, I'll try your suggestion, as you may guess I made several versions, I wasn't entirely happy.....I didn't try luminosity so I will bare...
    3 replies | 71 view(s)
  • William Dickson's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:03 PM
    William Dickson started a thread Eider in Avian
    Canon R6 f/4 400mm DO Mk2 at 560mm f/5.6 1/3200 ISO 1600 Another one from the local harbour. These ducks very rarely take flight in the...
    1 replies | 69 view(s)
  • Brian Sump's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:38 AM
    Brian Sump replied to a thread Barn Owl in Avian
    Jon, this is a sweet frame. I long to shoot Barn Owls, and in flight... with pray... indeed sweet! I like the subtle blue sky with a touch of...
    3 replies | 71 view(s)
  • Jonathan Ashton's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:03 AM
    Jonathan Ashton started a thread Barn Owl in Avian
    Slight crop for composition. There was posterisation which I have attempted to correct. OM-1, 150-400TC Focal Length (35 mm conversion) : 1002.0mm...
    3 replies | 71 view(s)
  • Daniel Cadieux's Avatar
    06-30-2024, 07:01 AM
    Welcome to BPN David! How cool as that to have nesting Barn Swallows at your apartment complex. Fun to watch I'm sure!
    1 replies | 121 view(s)
  • Randy Stout's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 05:38 PM
    Randy Stout replied to a thread Grumpus in Avian
    Brian: Nice detail, exposure. The shadow cast by the lid does make him look a bit cranky! Back ground texture is soft enough to not distract. ...
    1 replies | 123 view(s)
  • Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 03:18 PM
    Gabriela Plesea replied to a thread Leopard rocks in Wildlife
    Must admit I am quite jealous of this frame. Really like the image design and pose of the leopard. As well as those stunning rich colours. As you...
    4 replies | 127 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 03:15 PM
    Steve Kaluski replied to a thread Full tilt in Avian
    HAHA, just a few but far more 'picky' now on the selection. Next time I've invited an old friend, so time for a catch up and a good laugh which makes...
    5 replies | 139 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 03:06 PM
    Steve Kaluski replied to a thread Leopard rocks in Wildlife
    Hey Gabriela, would you believe it, in less than an hour of leaving camp on arrival, we had tracked her with the impala kill but this area is so...
    4 replies | 127 view(s)
  • Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 03:04 PM
    Gabriela Plesea replied to a thread Full tilt in Avian
    Thank you Steve, Happy that you are back and I am sure lots of images in the pipeline, so looking forward:S3: Had a field of aloes in front...
    5 replies | 139 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 02:48 PM
    Steve Kaluski replied to a thread Full tilt in Avian
    Hi Gabriela, talk about hitting the ground running, three days after getting back from Africa I was back shooting the usual pair hoping to get sight...
    5 replies | 139 view(s)
  • Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 02:35 PM
    Gabriela Plesea replied to a thread Full tilt in Avian
    Dear Steve, Subject is so cute, wonder what the juveniles look like:S3: This is a well composed, well balanced frame with lots to look at. I...
    5 replies | 139 view(s)
  • Brian Sump's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 09:27 AM
    Brian Sump started a thread Grumpus in Avian
    Wandering through the forest around 7500 ft elevation, along a creek, and this Black-crowned Night Heron was perched atop a log going across the...
    1 replies | 123 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 07:38 AM
    Steve Kaluski replied to a thread Full tilt in Avian
    Original capture
    5 replies | 139 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 07:38 AM
    Steve Kaluski started a thread Full tilt in Avian
    Subject: Kestrel M (Falco tinnunculus) Camera: Canon EOS R3 Lens: EF 300mm F/2.8 L IS USM III + EXTENDER EF1.4x Exposure: 1/4000 at f/4 ISO2000 ...
    5 replies | 139 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 06:33 AM
    Steve Kaluski replied to a thread Grey lourie in Avian
    FWIW - Focus distance is 10.4m, lens to subject, normally I would have shot at f/8, here I perhaps caught the dial, but certainly would not exceed...
    7 replies | 186 view(s)
  • Randy Stout's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 06:01 AM
    Randy Stout replied to a thread Grey lourie in Avian
    Steve: The pose is nice, erect crest, sharp on the face. I get Jon's point about the tail, it is rather prominent visually. I might consider...
    7 replies | 186 view(s)
  • Randy Stout's Avatar
    06-29-2024, 05:51 AM
    Randy Stout replied to a thread B&W for a B&W bird in Avian
    That's me, trendy.
    5 replies | 167 view(s)
  • Ian McLachlan's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 11:03 PM
    Ian McLachlan replied to a thread Grey lourie in Avian
    I notice that Artie is getting the same effect with his 300/ the in focus parts of some of these images was very shallow and to my eye the...
    7 replies | 186 view(s)
  • Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 03:21 PM
    Gabriela Plesea replied to a thread Grey lourie in Avian
    A very good evening to you dear Steve, Indeed this species is now called a "Grey Go-Away-Bird" but we still call it a Lourie around here... I...
    7 replies | 186 view(s)
  • Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 03:05 PM
    Gabriela Plesea replied to a thread Zebra in Wildlife
    Lovely image of this zebra and I like the way it stands out among the tall vegetation. Colours look good and you managed to tame the bright bits...
    2 replies | 105 view(s)
  • Gabriela Plesea's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 02:50 PM
    Gabriela Plesea replied to a thread Leopard rocks in Wildlife
    Your Leopard rocks, Steve:cheers: Very special capture of an elusive species! Pose is superb and I like the image design, love the composition....
    4 replies | 127 view(s)
  • Steve Kaluski's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 01:25 PM
    Steve Kaluski replied to a thread B&W for a B&W bird in Avian
    Randy, it was very trendy in Advertising in the mid ‘90s, 4 colour B/W.
    5 replies | 167 view(s)
  • Randy Stout's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 12:56 PM
    Randy Stout replied to a thread B&W for a B&W bird in Avian
    Jon: I mentioned that I added the eye color back in. It is so iconic for a loon, I couldn't leave it out! Randy
    5 replies | 167 view(s)
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