Logger Head Shrike


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Amol Khedgikar

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2010
Dallas, Texas, United States

HI All,

This is my First post here with 500mm V1 that I newly acquired. What a step up from 100-400! I just feel awesome. Its a whole new game altogether. Hand holding this compared to handholing the 100-400, There is a HUGE difference. I think I am gonna enjoy this new toy. My keeper rate just shot up....:)

This is a Loggerhead Shrike from this morning. What do You all think?

7D, 500mm V1, @ 700mm, 5.6, 1/1600, ISO 400, Cropped for composition and some removal of the distracting perch parts.

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Looks good to me! may be a tighter crop would work here but IQ could suffer, I am not familiar with this species but seems to me it is not big. What is the perch? I would try to tone down the whites.
You got a good profile view of this guy, with a great look at the hooked biil. Nice BG. Perhaps a tad bright, and i would either have pointed the lens down more or crop more top and left in post. Congrats on the new toy!!!

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