Banking Bosque Crane

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Doug Brown

Lifetime Member
Jan 1, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
I just got back from a very successful Bosque workshop that I co-led with my good friends Greg Basco and Keith Bauer. The birds were there in good numbers and the refuge is in the best shape I've seen it in recent memory. The refuge management seems genuinely interested in photographer feedback. All in all things are very encouraging! Here's my first image post from the Bosque for the season. It helps make the case for manual exposure for flight photography. I tracked this bird as it flew against a variety of BGs, and each of them would have produced a totally different exposure even though light on the bird was constant. The Crane against the black BG in this frame would have been totally cooked. Instead, I got a perfect bird exposure for all frames in the sequence. I extended the black a tiny bit in post.


Canon 5D Mark III, 600mm II + 1.4x III, f/7.1, 1/3200, ISO 400, manual exposure, hand held

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What a beautiful topside view, and yes, just perfect exposure. Love the crane's delicate colors against the dark background, and the spots of color in the BG on either side. Fantastic head angle for this pose. Just a stunner, Doug. Looking forward to seeing more from your trip.

Happy Thanksgiving to you. Glad it was a good workshop, and conditions/birds cooperated.

Fine looking crane, nice dorsal display,sharp, nicely exposed.

Because of the lighter areas above, I almost wish there was some detail showing through in the darker areas.


Nicely contrasted against the darker backdrop and liking the splashes of gold in the top of the frame. beautiful and the bird is even looking at the photographer
Very nice, and as noted already this is a perfect HA! Is that a piece of dry grass on the foot? Glad the conditions there are looking good...
Love this, Doug. The bird just pops off that dark BG, and the whole image really says fall at the Bosque to me. Manual exposure was indeed the only way to go for this type of shooting scenario.


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