View Full Version : Jay - UK

Stuart Hill
12-16-2012, 05:39 PM
Cold and damp, but, the light in the afternoon became warm and soft. This image is a merge. Shot the Jay on the post and then shot the bottom of the post. Merging them in pp as I like the old chains. Shot from a hide as these birds are very timid, hence couldn't do anything about the split background.

Techs:- iso 560 1/2000@F4.8
D3 + 500 f4

Kind regards.

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Jonathan Ashton
12-16-2012, 05:54 PM
Wonderful clarity, colour and exposure, and I like the post/perch. An interesting pose, jays are very inquisitive did you place peanuts or acorns on the post? The head angle is not quite optimal, nevertheless it is well illuminated and the eye is crystal clear. I like this image very much.

Marina Scarr
12-16-2012, 06:24 PM
Really like what you were going for with this capture, and great job on merging the two images. Your exposure and details looks great. Love those chains. Wish the bird were engaging the viewer a tad more but overall like the image.

Stuart Hill
12-17-2012, 03:50 PM
Thanks for the replies. Yes, a few peanuts was the prize for the Jay. Have a few more images where the Jays were looking in my direction but liked this image as Jays are very intelligent birds and this one looked at though it was pondering on a decision lol.

Thanks for the help.
