View Full Version : Blackbird blur Bosque Nov. 2012

Tom Rambaut
01-15-2013, 02:54 AM
Took this at Bosque del Aphache on a BAA ITP tour.

1D MK 4, 500mm + 1.4ext, 1/20 @ 20, ISO 160, +1 E/V

Thanks Tom

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Doug West
01-15-2013, 05:17 AM
I really, really love blurs!

My only very, very, very small nit pick would be the over exposed
band in the center. Going with no exposure compensation (or -1) might've
helped that out a little.

This is a personal preference of course, but I'd clone out the 4 or 5 birds above
and/or intersecting with the mountains (or trees).


Troy Lim
01-15-2013, 07:33 AM
Love the blur too. I would tone down the hightlights some, it looks too bright.

Tom Rambaut
01-15-2013, 07:41 AM
I really, really love blurs!

My only very, very, very small nit pick would be the over exposed
band in the center. Going with no exposure compensation (or -1) might've
helped that out a little.

This is a personal preference of course, but I'd clone out the 4 or 5 birds above
and/or intersecting with the mountains (or trees).


Just looked at the RAW - red channel blown. I think I was using brightness histogram. may reconvert and tone down. Highlight alert in DPP shows very small amount of clipping.

Robert Holguin
01-15-2013, 12:57 PM
Lovely shot.
Really like the blur here, but do agree its a tad bright.
Well done.

Roman Kurywczak
01-15-2013, 01:19 PM
Hey Tom,
Blurs are definitely subjective.....but I like most of this one. Brightness mentioned but I'll throw you some food for thought to try out....what about cropping to a pano with 1/2 the base layer removed? For me, right now the base seems a bit heavy.....just a thought for you to play with.

01-16-2013, 06:28 AM
Makes a great abstract image, would be very interesting printed on a large canvas, I rather like it but my personal choice would be to crop the lighter band off the top and so fill the frame with nothing but birds

Tom Rambaut
01-17-2013, 01:57 AM
Thanks All! Have a whole load of these blackbird blurs to process.