The Dragon Slayer

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BPN Member
Sep 3, 2011
Pune , India
This is a Chestnut headed bee eaters (Merops leschenaulti) , i have never noticed any difference between the males and females of this species.

The image was made last week from a car window , handheld since the bird was above me and i needed some height so had to leverage the hands to get it up as high as possible.

I did make a few images in the 2 days with a few different catches.

5D MIII + 400 f 2.8 + 2x TC

1/800, ISO 1000, f 7.1 with a +1/3 to expose the colors right

I know i have not got the tail in focus however to get it in focus i needed drop my shutter speed and 1/800 was the last i afforded handheld in that angle .


i tried a images with ISO 2000 and noticed the yellows blowing out most of the times hence the choice of 1000 , also no real estate left under the bird so was not possible to extend the canvas.

C & C are welcome


The bird is lovely, great position of his catch,nice colors.

Jim's repost has helped clean up some of the distractions.

The biggest issue for me at this point is the large oof branch dominating the left side of the image. I would experiment with cropping in a bit from the left to reduce that impact, even at the expense of a non classical composition.


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Hi Vishal, great reposts from the guys above. I really like the colours on this fellow, and you have nailed the sharpness. Of course, his catch is a bonus ( dragonflies always make great catches in images )

The colours on this species are very similar to the european bee-eaters.
A great image as posted and the reposts show some nice work as well. I was thinking more vertical to rid of the oof area of perch.. The bright area in the bg is a little distracting yet less distracting in Randy's repost. Great shot, wish I had one like it.

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