Woodstork Offering


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Fabs Forns


The Alligator Farm is packed with Storks this year. Some nests have chicks already and they are flying constantly, with or without sticks, some mating going on too. Very difficult bird to photograph unless the light is soft.
It was great to see the group of BPNers and also the New York crowd, always fun to be with.

D3, 200-400/4 @ 250mm
f/5.6, 1/1250, ISO 800
flash @ 0 Ev TTL
hand held
Sky polarized with Nik Color Effex 3.0
Beautiful wingspread, Fabs. The gathering sounds like fun. I wish I had been there!
you nailed this one and got great sky .... great to see you and al and the gang at the farm. I'm going to make it a yearly ritual in May now.
I like that the bird is carrying nesting material, love the clouds with the blue sky!well done Fabs!
Well done on the exposure on this one! Nice detail in the whites and darks - the stick and the background really add to it!
Hi Fabs,
As you are now well aware............I love tight shots!...........so this one works for me on so many levels :p.............You think everyone else knows of my tight crop fetish :confused::eek::eek::eek:!
Love it Fabs !!!! I think I will be dreaming with storks for the next few weeks Never have seen so many flying overhead !!!!
Sweet shot Fabs. Just when I think I got cha on one you nail another one better still.

Al, beware of dreaming of storks - I hear they bring little presents to your door. :)
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Great exposure control and BG. The branch adds to it. Maybe a bit more room at the right?

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