Handsome Wood Duck Drake.


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Daniel Cadieux

Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
tn_Wood Duck_5721-1.jpg

The male Wood Duck in full breeding plumage is arguably the most visually striking duck in North America. Here it was feeding on some spilled seeds near a feeder along with many Mallards. A bit skittish, I remained in my car for it to get over its' shyness and come closer. When it got out of the water and up the bank I was able to reposition my car for a better background. I was glad it took this posture any time I whistled (if you can call that a whistle:e3, but hey, it worked) as anything and everything under the frame was bad and dirty when it otherwise kept its head down to feed (dry vegetation, seed litter, pavement).

Canon 7D + 500mm f/4 II + 1.4TC, manual exposure, evaluative metering, 1/60s., f/7.1, ISO 800, natural light, handheld (lens resting on car window opening), full frame, repaired a black speck in the iris, NR to BG.
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You patience paid off. The detail throughout is magnificent and I'm glad he got over his shyness.

Looks like you are pushing the limits with the shutter speed. 1/80 and now 1/60 ... 1/40 next? :) Great technique to get it his sharp.

Beautiful bird and a beautiful picture. I wish we had them flying threw the Central Flyway. I have heard there has been a few spotted in Saskatchewan and seen a trail cam picture of one from up north so maybe they are expanding there territory!
Beautiful portrait of a handsome bird. I am amazed that the image is so sharp especially considering the low ss and resting on a bean bag, well done

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