View Full Version : Bearded Tit

Phillip Tomkinson
10-07-2013, 03:10 AM
Taken last week at leighton moss RSPB.


D3x 600f4 + 1.7tc 1/125th @ f8 iso 1000.

PP in Bibble pro & CS2.


www.wild-snaps.co.uk (http://www.wild-snaps.co.uk)

www.wildsnaps-photoholidays.co.uk (http://www.wildsnaps-photoholidays.co.uk)


Grace Scalzo
10-07-2013, 08:07 AM
Cute pose, nice bird. I feel that presenting this as a vertical would eliminate much of the business of the background and display the bird and his pose even better.

Daniel Cadieux
10-07-2013, 09:20 AM
I've always like this species, cute but mean-looking. Quite different as far far as setting goes, and I agree with Grace's suggestion and reasoning for it.

Dan Busby
10-07-2013, 10:51 AM
Love the bird and the habitat Phil. Colours are rich and detailed. Agree with suggestion of vertical comp. Maybe a slight brightening around the eye would bring out the focal point a bit.

Marina Scarr
10-07-2013, 11:38 AM
One of the reasons that I like the horizontal composition is to demonstrate how well this bird is camouflaged in it. For that purpose, it works well. If you were just wanting to emphasize the bird, I agree on the horizontal. I do like this picture however. When I first opened it, I had to look and think, and I like that.

Iain Barker
10-07-2013, 05:43 PM
Well done Philip these are great birds but tricky to capture in the vast amount of reeds there. I've only caught glimpses of them so far.
The image has great sharpness for 1/125 and I like the reed background. I agree that a vertical composition might make this a stronger image.