View Full Version : My little cock sparrow

Jonathan Ashton
01-07-2014, 12:14 PM
Canon 7D Canon 500mm f4 ISO 800 1/640 sec f7.1
Image taken from garden hide sunflower seeds as bait. It would have been nice to see the feet but it was not to be, all C&C welcome.

John Robinson
01-07-2014, 12:21 PM
Hi Jon
Thats the trouble with "fluffy" perches. They hide feets and in this case in my opinion distracts from the bird a little. Bird is spot on. One of my favourites. We have a large resident flock in the garden too. A very underated bird with I reckon the best collection of browns there is !!!
Pleasing image though.

Jim Crosswell
01-07-2014, 12:33 PM
I like the pose, perch, sharpness, BG and details. Composition wise I would take a little off the left side off the frame but that's my personal preference. I am fine with not seeing the feet. Well done Jonathan!

Tom Friedel
01-07-2014, 01:00 PM
The bottm left quarter of the images is a little bright. I wonder if others find this good or neutral or a flaw or something to be corrected. But in any case that is just a small item with a very well captured sparrow.

Steve Kaluski
01-07-2014, 02:07 PM
Hi Jonathan, I agree with Tom, as this is a 'controlled' environment I would try to get more consistency within the BKG, as it does provide a nice, simple BKG to separate the subject. Techs look good and having the 500 gives enough distance between subject & lens and DOF is not an issue, plus it offers enough comfort zone between you & the subject, cramping your subjects is not good. I might look at dropping the blue, just gives a bit more 'cleanness' to the chest & perhaps a better colour to the perch? If you have it, it would be nice to see the branch going into the bottom LH corner, might need a little jiggle on the crop and perhaps may not work or puts it too central, just one of those thoughts.


Jonathan Ashton
01-07-2014, 03:21 PM
Thanks for the feedback, regards the background I did wonder about making it more homogeneous then I decided to let it be, I am not consistent in my decision making, sometimes I like variation sometimes not, in this case I left it trying not make it look too contrived. I have relatively little room for manoeuvre at present, my major problem at the moment is light or lack of it, I have an old chap living next door and all his hedges and trees are now upwards of twenty feet tall and he refuses to cut them, my hide is in total shade.

kevin Hice
01-07-2014, 03:24 PM
opinions oh well great photo . I like the blues might agree with the bright corner who would think the plain sparrow would make such a great photo. best kevin

Steve Kaluski
01-07-2014, 03:53 PM
Tricky Jon based on the additional feedback, so I think you did well, any chance you can move things away and out of shade?

At least you are out of floods, however I would rather have more snow that all this rain. Looks like there maybe some better, intermittent sun, therefore is it worth just trying some shots with a more even BKG? I might try and get up onto the Dales or Moors this week?


Daniel Cadieux
01-07-2014, 06:55 PM
He's a beauty! Perfect pose and head angle, nice perch, and I'm OK with the BG. I only wish you had pointed the lens a tad more to your right for composition.

Frank Schauf
01-08-2014, 03:52 AM
Beautiful portrait, great pose and colors.

christopher galeski
01-08-2014, 06:19 AM
nice image Jonathan,you have shown how nicely marked and nice shades of brown there is in this bird,like the pose and light.

Holger Leyrer
01-10-2014, 04:15 PM
I like the exposure, composition and details. And i love the BG. Well done Jonathan.