Great White Pelican

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Stu Bowie

Lifetime Member
Mar 2, 2008
Centurion, South Africa

I couldnt get near to these guys, as the area was open, and as soon as there was a slight disturbance, they would either go into the water and swim away from me, or they would take to the air. This was the best wing position I managed, before he banked away. The BG is the distant bank of a large wetlands. Taken in Cape Town early morning.

Canon 1D Mark IV
Canon 300mm F/2.8 + 2X TC = 600mm
ISO 640

Hand held
Pretty decent wing position and a nice green BG. I would have considered trading some SS for a bit more aperture with a big, slow-moving bird such as this one.
Nicely sharp. I don't know your processing -- wonder how it would compare with a little bit more shadow detail? But wonderful as it is -- I love the unusual wing position.
Hi Stu - Looks like that combo is working really well for you. Good dof, sharpness and detail with nice light.

I too like the wing position and the overall pose. The detail and exposure look great and the BG highlights the bird well. Nice catchlight also. Nice work Stuart.
I really like this Stuart.
The dangling legs and the shadow on the head on the far wing are fun details.
Love the BG and you had nice light. A keeper for sure,
Beautiful image!!! sharpness, curve of the wings, and the colors are fantastic that is what just drew me in. Maybe a bit more separation from the wing of the head, but otherwise fantastic.

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