View Full Version : Theme Pied Wagtail

Graham Wilkes
01-30-2016, 08:54 AM

Hello as this is my first post I have gone with this months theme.
We had this beautiful little bird visiting our garden during a very cold spell three years ago.
The image was taken during heavy snow in very dull conditions.
Snow is blown on post but feel I can live with that.

Canon 7D MK 1
70-200mm 2.8L MK11 + 1.4 converter
ISO 800
SS 1/500 @f4

Raw conversion in Canon DPP 4.3.
Levels, background noise reduction and sharpening in ps.

John Robinson
01-30-2016, 10:23 AM
Hi Graham
Good to see a neighbour posting !! Good first post too. Any relation to Mike by the way ?? We will have to meet up some time. Some of my hides are not getting used a lot at the moment.
Be in touch
Welcome to the forum- You will find it most helpful- plus a little frightening at times !

John Rowell
01-30-2016, 10:33 AM
Graham, Welcome to the Forums and looking forward to seeing more of your images. I like the falling snow and although the snow on the perch is bright, it is not completely blown out and could easily be fixed if you wanted to do so. Nice shot of this fellow, but it looks just a bit soft to me. Little birds twitch very quickly, so maybe boost your iso and get a little more shutter speed. Overall, a very nice first post. Keep them coming.

01-30-2016, 02:18 PM
welcome to the forum and a nice first post, this little fellow looks nice with the snow!

The IQ isn't great the bird looks soft and a bit lacking in details. As a member you can post images that are 1200 pixels wide which will help with both viewing and critique


gail bisson
01-30-2016, 03:39 PM
Welcome Graham!
A very nice first post.
Very nice winter feel to this. Snowflakes look great. The pose and HA are perfect.
Perch is nice and snow on it is fine.Your exposure is fine.
The details on the bird look a bit crunchy to me-is this a big crop?

Graham Wilkes
01-30-2016, 06:29 PM
Thank you all for welcomes and comments.
Hi Gail it was not that big a crop, not sure the cause of the crunchy look/image quality.


adrian dancy
01-31-2016, 12:39 PM
A nice image but suffers with a lack of detail most probably subject movement or motion caused to the rig when pressing the shutter button.

Marina Scarr
01-31-2016, 07:25 PM
This is one heck of a subject and image. Love that perch, the pose and the snow flurry.

Agree on the IQ issues. Maybe you could take this image to the Digital Photography Workflow to see where you may have gone wrong. I have a feeling that all of the details are in your RAW. This image is definitely worth working on!!!

keith mitchell
02-01-2016, 11:09 AM
Welcome to the forum Graham, very much like your Wagtail in the snow, not an easy bird you have done very well with it.


Graham Wilkes
02-01-2016, 12:14 PM
Thank you all for comments as always.
