View Full Version : Coot on the move - part 2.

Mike Poole
03-02-2016, 08:10 AM

A couple of days ago I posted a running Coot shot. Quite rightly, people picked up on the mantle being blown. I'd checked the histogram on the first shot and changed cameras, settings and location for this attempt. Not as dynamic as the other shot, but hopefully technically better.

Still had to do a little work on the mantle, but at least the option was there this time. Image straightened, so a little canvas added top left to compensate, slight crop for comp.

Canon 5d3
500mm f4is
ISO 1600
1/1000th f7.1


Lorant Voros
03-02-2016, 11:26 AM
Nice extreme low angle, great detail, blurred foreground and background. Well done, Mike.

Isaac Grant
03-02-2016, 03:08 PM
Hi Mike. Coots are really hard to get right and I think you have done a very good job. I like the low angle and the pose very much. Blurred background is very nice as well. I wish I could see the other foot as I feel it would make the image stronger. Maybe the shadows on the breast and belly could be lightened a bit. Also the part that was blown out on your other coot image is the frontal shield, not the mantle. The mantle is the birds back.

Jonathan Ashton
03-02-2016, 04:10 PM
Lovely shot and it looks to be of a higher quality - excellent details throughout. I really like the light on this and the legs look great.

William Dickson
03-02-2016, 05:29 PM
I like this one better Mike. The blacks and POV make it special :S3:

Well done.


Jim Crosswell
03-03-2016, 08:05 PM
I like the walking pose, low angle, sharpness, exposure and BG. Very well done Mike!

Satish Ranadive
03-04-2016, 04:42 AM
Magnificent image. superb exposures in blacks with great details.
