View Full Version : Bay-breasted Warbler

Bill Dix
05-20-2016, 12:53 PM
Warbler #2 from Magee Marsh last week. More to follow.

D7200, 80-400 VR @ 380mm, ISO 1600, 1/800s @ f/7.1 manual; fill @ -2.7 EV

John Robinson
05-20-2016, 01:13 PM
Another Warbler nicely nailed! Love the vegetation in this one. Just think- I got rid of that lens !
Great stuff Bill. Look forward to more.

Joe Subolefsky
05-20-2016, 08:21 PM
Love the colors! Really nice frame. I was at Magee and while there is plenty of birds there is also tons of cover not the easiest place to get a clear shot.

keith mitchell
05-21-2016, 03:09 PM
Bill I might have mentioned before but I am always amazed at all the different Warblers you have over there,you have done very well getting an open shot of this bird with nice colours and detail.


Bill Dix
05-21-2016, 03:32 PM
Love the colors! Really nice frame. I was at Magee and while there is plenty of birds there is also tons of cover not the easiest place to get a clear shot.

Thank you Joe. No, it's not the easiest place. Many of the birds are in Alder thickets with tons of branches in the way, not to mention the thousands of birders and photographers on the narrow boardwalk making it impossible to get on the bird or into the best position. Oh, and the cold front that kept the birds at Magee also brought heavy clouds, gusty wind, rain and at one point even snow. But there wouldn't be a challenge if it were easy, right.

Bill Dix
05-21-2016, 03:37 PM
Bill I might have mentioned before but I am always amazed at all the different Warblers you have over there,you have done very well getting an open shot of this bird with nice colours and detail.


Thanks Keith. For just several weeks at this time each year, we have a frenzy of beautiful migrating warblers which for me are both the holy grail and a massive exercise in frustration. In my one week jaunt to Upstate NY and Magee Marsh (Ohio) I saw 26 warbler species. Add to that another 4 seen at home this week and I've gotten 30 species in a week and a half. I only wish I had been able to photograph them all.

keith mitchell
05-22-2016, 02:22 AM
Bill I visited central park in New York city just as a general tourist and was amazed how many Warblers I found in this oasis in the middle of the city, even without binoculars ,would love to spend time there and devote myself to just birds.


Bill Dix
05-22-2016, 07:17 AM
Bill I visited central park in New York city just as a general tourist and was amazed how many Warblers I found in this oasis in the middle of the city, even without binoculars ,would love to spend time there and devote myself to just birds.


Central Park can be a fabulous birding oasis if you are able to hit it at the peak of migration. There are a few site guides that tell you the best places to find warblers -- especially an area they call The Ramble. I've only done it twice, but was favorably impressed both times.