Inquisitive Hare : Lepus europeus

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Stuart Philpott

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2015

Very late little light,but it's so rare to have a hare come to one when one is standing not very low.....I had to try. I adored the way he craned to study the walking clicking tree,:bg3: Some how I keep coming back to this as it's so different from many of my hare images
Thanks for all the help and apologies for being slow to keep up .


Canon 1Div FF HH 300f/2.8 extii 1.4

take care

Hi Stu - I like the pose and shooting vertical was the way to go. There's an ethereal quality with the oof grasses over the body. I do wish that you had exposed for the head so that it was not so dark.


Hi Stu, great Fieldcraft to get so close, nice one.

Without seeing the RAW it's hard to say if it's the original capture or the PP, but it is just too dark sadly. In addition I would have pushed the ISO to 3200 or 6400 for that extra SS. Hard to tell but at f/4 I think you may have been just on the edge as the head looks angled and so DoF will start to drop off.

Stu the majority of this RP was done in the Exposure, then selective adjustments in the colour i.e. the greens, then some Curves, however the first two I know you can do. Just added a bit more sharpening too. Not great, but it shows you what I think you have.

Hi Stu -- nicely framed ! now that Steve has sorted out the image with his RP, I would like to add that majority of your images appear slightly soft and hence I would suggest that you can have a bit of a free hand when sharpening your images . Great going .

Thanks everyone,. I'm under exposed here guys,but it was quite dark on that wood edge.
Steve the repost is awesome,too pale,for the conditions for me. In this particular case, I'd like more of that dark feel but with your colour and detail. Mine probably is too dark Steve but that late evening after sundown feel is something I wanted to try and convey

I didn't handle the techs well enough Steve. I struggle with these low light senarios. But it's great fun exploring them. I need to be a bit braver wit my higher iso's Steve I was also fighting exposure v shutter speed these low light shots are a battle for me Especially a bonus like this when we were just walking a wood edge learning a bit more about deer movements, I thought it was too late for images really but I am pushing a bit further now..

Thankyou for this they mean so much, the reposts:5

take care all
Hello Stu,

Lovely capture indeed!

To be a bit more precise, you are not underexposed...the hare is:)

I think you really did your best under the circumstances. And I agree, Steve's RP does justice to your image - now I can see the expression on the subject's face and some nice detail too.

Lovely framing and the colours are great, this is nice and sharp despite low shutter speed, glad the subject was still. I really like the alert pose from the hare, as well as the vegetation framing him/her.

I see great improvement in your work and really pleased for you, keep up the good work please! I will be back for more, thank you so much for sharing:)

Kind regards,
Hello Stu,

Lovely capture indeed!

To be a bit more precise, you are not underexposed...the hare is:)

I think you really did your best under the circumstances. And I agree, Steve's RP does justice to your image - now I can see the expression on the subject's face and some nice detail too.

Lovely framing and the colours are great, this is nice and sharp despite low shutter speed, glad the subject was still. I really like the alert pose from the hare, as well as the vegetation framing him/her.

I see great improvement in your work and really pleased for you, keep up the good work please! I will be back for more, thank you so much for sharing:)

Kind regards,

Hey Gabby,ahh mate I think of you so often I hope you are well. Thank you so much for these lovely words,you are such an inspiration to me ""

Gabby what Steve has done is a bit mind blowing for both of us,the eye is now incredible,I do have an insecurity about how the light was and is portrayed,but that will always be me.

He he maybe it IS me that's under exposed:bg3:, I'm sorry i'm hopeless.

Gabby it will be little steps forwards and back ,but the joy is there in trying so try I will. Gabby, I am really pleased the image is sharp at this shutter speed I worry often on my technigue and try to compose myself ,but these things do concern me especially when the light is not great .

take care

thanks again

these things do concern me especially when the light is not great .

Stu, if light is not on your side then just sit, watch and plan, as I think a lot of your Wildlife will be local and use the area on a regular basis. I can fully appreciate your frustration, but just use your time wisely when the light is on your side, it will make PP easier. It will be nice to see more 'local' Wildlife, a refreshing departure. :S3:

And enjoy it!!!

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