View Full Version : Nuthatch in the rain

Stuart Edwards
01-22-2017, 11:55 PM
I was having a terrible time with my 7D II not giving me sharp images with my 400 f5.6 lens. I tried a 1DsIII , 5DIII and borrowed a friends 1DX and they seem to work fine . For some reason the old 400 is very inconsistent with my 7D II. Well I found a used 1DIV at a good price and boy does it work well with my lens. Of course Murphy's law showed up and it rained all weekend so I only got to shoot close small birds at high iso. I am very happy with the results so far. I cant wait to get some good light and give it a good workout.
I know there is a bit of noise on the bird but i haven't been very successful with noise reduction on feathers .
1DIV - 400mm - f5.6 - 1/800 - iso 3200

gail bisson
01-23-2017, 08:32 AM
Very nice image.
The color palette creates a nice mood and the rain really adds a lot to this image.
I would take a bit off the RHS of frame and smooth out or clone out the OOF horizontal branch above the bird.
This looks nice and sharp.
Well done,

Bill Dix
01-23-2017, 12:27 PM
Classic nuthatch pose, with a nice background. I would also vote for taking some off the right, making it more of a vertical.

Stuart Edwards
01-24-2017, 05:18 PM
Thanks for pointing out that branch Gail , I actually didn't even notice it. I had originally made it a vertical but wasn't sure what looked best . Thanks for the suggestions !

Marina Scarr
03-17-2017, 11:28 AM
Killer image with a terrific mood. I would crop a bit from the right.