Female Yellow Headed Black Bird 2


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Krishna Prasad kotti

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2016
Eagle Mountain, Utah

This image was taken at Provo Bay, Utah Lake, UT Image taken just after sunrise, with sun behind Mountains.

This second image, I think this has better head angle than previous one. Also this was a stop brighter than previous one leading to lesser noise.

Nikon D500, 500 f/4 + 1.4x TCII
ISO 1600, f/5.6, 1/500 sec
Manual Mode, Matrix Metering

Raw Processing C1P, Nik 30-30 Filter
Noise Reduction Neat Image
Sharpening Affinity Photo

I removed small distracting element in top right hand corner.

Hope you like it.

This fella had his eyes on you! I love the image design and overall concept. I do feel the colours are off - not warm enough, and the greens of the grass blades are not of the correct hue. Ahh now I see...when I opened your image in PS it was still set to adobe RGB so it is showing warmer from there. You should convert to sRGB for posting on the web as this won't skew the colours.
This fella had his eyes on you! I love the image design and overall concept. I do feel the colours are off - not warm enough, and the greens of the grass blades are not of the correct hue. Ahh now I see...when I opened your image in PS it was still set to adobe RGB so it is showing warmer from there. You should convert to sRGB for posting on the web as this won't skew the colours.

Hi Dan,

Thank you for the comment. I did not understand the same. I opened the image in different monitors, everything look good.

can you explain a bit more what needs to be done ?

Krishna: Nice image indeed. I agree with Daniel that the color of the grass is disconcertingly bright and artificial-looking. Adobe RGB and sRGB are color spaces; they affect the color as it appears in a print and on the monitor. Daniel is asking you to choose "sRGB" for your color space, which just about any photo editor allows you to do.

Thank you for the comments.

Reposting the image. ( Reprocessed it)

This time converted to sRGB and then exported it.

Hope this looks better
I like the bird in the grasses very much. It is a pretty scene but I believe the processing is way off. The photo has a strong yellow cast, the colors of the grass are off and the bird does not look sharp.

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