"Skimmer Crash"


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David Salem

Lifetime Member
Nov 26, 2011
Riverside, CA

I got this unique frame a few years ago at a local beach estuary. I never posted it because unless viewed large on your monitor, it is hard to really see what is going on. The larger format at BPN has now enabled me to post it the way it needs to be viewed, and you hopefully should be able to see the action well.
As most of you know, Black skimmers use their lower mandable to cut thru the water as they "skimm" looking to run into a fish. Once the lower beak hits a fish, the head springs back to lessen the impact, and the beak snaps shut to catch the small fish in flight. All this happens in under a second.
Here, this skimmer hits a bigger than expected fish and he/she is thrown off balance and the wings are thrown in front of the bird to try to keep it's balance. The fish can bee seen pretty well amongst the splash and you can clearly see the skimmer's closed nictitating membrane protecting it's eyes at the moment of impact.
One of the cooler images of my photography career.

1DX---840mm---f5.6---ss1/4000th---ISO640---Handheld@6:45pm---35% crop

Thanks as always for looking and for your input. I appreciate it.

Great frame. Love all that splashing water. The pose on the bird is very neat. You have excellent timing with these action shots i see of yours. Another plus for the good view of the fish.
Dave, great frame, I remember this day, it’s a plus to have the fish and the “almost” cartwheel. The wind really played a part in getting this skimmer all sideways and you nailed the frame.

Spectacular action and agree it would have been lost at the old small size. I hope the bird was able to recover and keep its prey. It was certainly holding on tight by the look. Focus plane is perfect here and processing spot on. No nit-picking from me on this one and can easily see why it is a favourite. Thanks for digging back to find this gem.
WOWSA ROCKSTAR fantastic, i could stare at this all day: haha gotta love that Canon gear eh! So did the skimmer wipe out or keep on truckin?
Look at that...you should really switch back to Canon like back in your glory days!!:t3

All joking aside, man this is off the charts good. There is nothing really to say, except to stand back and enjoy the action this image shows.
WOWSA ROCKSTAR fantastic, i could stare at this all day: haha gotta love that Canon gear eh! So did the skimmer wipe out or keep on truckin?

Thanks so much Everyone!!

Yes and no to your question. He wiped out and kept on truckin.
I will post the next frame soon ;)
Thanks as always
Look at that...you should really switch back to Canon like back in your glory days!!:t3

All joking aside, man this is off the charts good. There is nothing really to say, except to stand back and enjoy the action this image shows.

Thanks Daniel!!
As most of you know I like action bird photography a lot. I find this frame a 10.0 on my Richter scale in the terms of unique action and nice lighting coming together for a memorable frame.

Thanks again
Super dynamic David. Cant wait to see the next frame. No nits from me -- just wish that it was mine! Everything came together here. TFS

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