White-bellied Sea Eagle


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Paul Burdett

Well-known member
Jan 18, 2018
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Just back from 2 days away at my favourite location for Ospreys, Sea eagles and Brahminy Kites (1.5 hours from home). Took over 1000 photos...here's one taken one hour before full sunset. I was able to capture this WBSE at various distance away (some full in the frame, some not so), but I quite like this view. (not so happy with the shadow, but from the viewing platform the sun was not quite behind me) No crop here.

D500/500PF, 1/4000th [email protected], iso1000.
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Nice and sharp. The light is very nice. Good detail on the bird as well. Love a dorsal view like this. I like the feather pattern.
Paul I love this. My wish is you didn't have all the darks. Don't know if you can do anything with this. I'm not that great in PS. That beak and face,eyes just fantastic with the light. Even the feathers going down the back lovely. TFS
I can see the attraction of this image Paul....The head area....Lovely light, detail and eye perfect....The shadows and position of the near wing are a bummer.


The shadow by itself is not too, too bad. It is the cross-hatched lattice work that seems to indicate a manmade structure that kills the image for me. So, I smoothed out some of the black stuff below and in front of the bird and came up with an idea for a repost ...
with love, a
Thanks Artie. Thank you for taking the time to edit...much appreciated. Interesting crop...I thought of 16x9 at first, but settled on the posted crop. I do like the smoothing you did, thank you. I did run Topaz DN, but maybe more BG NR needed as you say. Hoping to get back to the same location soon. Cheers.
Paul, the head and lighting from there up is about as nice as it gets. Beautifully processed.

I am not even sure the shadows would have been as much an issue from my view had the wing extended down through the lower portion of the frame. Dramatic lighting can have an impact, of course depending on the rest of the frame.

So many of the right pieces on this one. Keep pushing my friend, it's fun to watch you improve!

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