European Kingfisher (M) III

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Andreas Liedmann

BPN Member
Aug 25, 2010
Dortmund / Germany

Hi all ...
just to break the action , a relaxed preening shot .
The male rested on the perch and started preening albeit the 1Dx was making a **** of a shutter noise .... even more surprisingly that the male just arrived two days before at that location .
Hope you like it and do not become bored .

Canon EOS 1Dx II
EF 200 - 400 IS L at 560 mm

F 6,3 ; Iso 5000 ; 1/1000 sec

Cropped from horizontal to get the portrait format

Processed with C1 and PSCC 2023

Cheers Andreas
This one is really nice - the preening pose is very unique and interesting. Detail looks great across the bird, and I like the crop/composition. Nicely done!
Yes, I like this a lot. I love the feathers clenched in the bill. Happy you chose a vertical composition. A bit of smudging along the top right corner - easy to smooth out. Not bored at all with these KFs!
Really nice image all around Andreas! Love the preening pose you managed and the detail is terrific. I agree with Paul's comments about the feet, but also understand you were limited don light at this location so harder to stop down.
Just first class! Not much to say kingfisher looks spot on the lichens perhaps a little lime coloured or yellowish???? No big deal.

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