View Full Version : Landing Gannet

Alfred Forns
07-21-2008, 07:37 PM
From Cape St Mary's in Newfoundland. Large Gannet Colony and must go location !!! Haven't been there under ideal conditions but can only imagine I set up on sun angle and waited for a bird, most were landing into the wind but I got lucky. Must make return trip !! Have a couple of images of Cape St Mary's at the Travel Gallery

Comments welcome and much appreciated

Nikon D3
200-400 VR 1.4X
f 8.0 1/1600
ISO 800
Manual exp

Raymond Barlow
07-21-2008, 07:44 PM
fantastic pose Alfred, I like the bg, gives us a good idea of the environment.

Bill Harbin
07-21-2008, 07:59 PM
Wonderful Al, love the wingpread and all the habitat!

Ramon M. Casares
07-21-2008, 08:07 PM
Al, the pose, the BG suggesting the ambient, the exp, the details, the compostion, everything just in the right place, including that little space with grass letting us know where thus guy is about to land on. Congratulations and my love and support to Fabs and you!

Axel Hildebrandt
07-21-2008, 08:22 PM
Cool landing pose! Maybe a slight boost in saturation and/or higher color temperature.

Krijn Trimbos
07-22-2008, 05:01 AM
The landing pose and composition make this one for me! Nice that you included an anchor point, really like the green BG but am not to sure about the scattered rocks on the right and LL corner, and would probably see what it looks like without them. All together a great shot!

Jim Fenton
07-22-2008, 06:54 AM
I like the bird, but the OOF rocks behind the right wing and the OOF objects scattered in the nice grass really detract in this image.

Given that the conditions apparently were overcast, the image WB does present as too cool for the conditions?

Rod Wiley
07-22-2008, 06:36 PM
This is very nice

david cramer
07-22-2008, 07:03 PM
Great image of the bird, with legs and wings spread. I find the bg a bit distracting.