Ringed Plover


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Martin Dyer


Seen here on the foreshore of Loch na keal on the Isle Mull, Scotland.

Taken laying on the ground with the camera on a beanbag.

The light was quite flat and I have toned down the yellow lichens that are ever present on the rocks.

Canon 1Dmk2n, plus 500f4 L
Hi Martin

Good detail and exposure in this photograph and I think the colours of the background compliment those of the bird. There is good eye contact with the bird. My only issue is the slight distraction caused by the twig in the foreground and bits of grass to the left of the frame.


Sharp, good exposure and head turn back towards you; I like it. It looks as if moving well to your right might have had a few good benefits...

later and love, artie
Very nice angle, details and pose. I find the BG a bit distracting but there probably was not much you could have done about it.
Nice sharp image of a shy bird0colours compliment each other nicely and exposure looks bang on with good detail in the feathers-maybe clone the small twig in the foreground to tidy the image

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