Jabiru eating piranha


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Arthur Grosset


We found a very obliging pair of Jabiru in the Pantanal and fed them with a few piranha that we had just caught.

20D 400mm f/4.0 DO at f/4.0, 1/640, ISO 200 handheld from a boat.

Cropped slightly from a vertical with a touch of Gaussian blur added to the background, some sharpening of the bill and eye and S/H on the white neck. Rotated to be level with the water using the ruler and arbitrary rotate.
Hi Arthur these are fascinating birds to watch and I like the action you captured in this image. Good exposure and very nice eye contact and I also like the cropping. My only nit is the busy BG. Cloning out the brown spots would help IMO. Thanks for sharing !
Fascinating behavior captured. Hope to see those two in June :)

It needs a bit more sharpening in the subject.
Focus seems to be just past the bird; see the leaf in the LRHC just in front of the beak--it appears to be sharp. I do like the head-angle.

later and love and thanks for the whole (fish) story. artie
Great timing. I had no idea they would eat piranhas. I might have used ISO 400 for higher shutter speed.

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