View Full Version : Gray-Leg gees

Rene' Villela
12-03-2008, 04:25 AM
Hello forum!

After taking a look at everybody's work I feel shy to post mine! Ah, well!
Correct me if wrong, but I was told this guys are called gray-leg geese. I took this shot in Norwich, UK. (Homersfield Lake). Its a private lake on the East coast in front of Holland. Around this time of the year is full of swans, canadian gees, egyptian gees and these gray-leg gees.

It is not a great shot but I like it. I like the way the gees are not on the same plane and the second goose is not in focus but it is not blur. The BG is the lake with tree shadows reflecting on it.

Thank you for your comments, critiques and advices!

Nikon D300 - AF-S 300 f/4 + TC1.7e II, AP wide open f/6.7, 1/320 sec, ISO 200, EV-0.3

Daniel Cadieux
12-03-2008, 07:49 AM
I like the composition René, and I too like the second OOF goose (interesting how that one has a more prominent red eye ring - is that a difference between sexes?)...these are actually called "Greylag", but you were close! :-) A couple of the brighter patches in the BG could be toned down. Thanks for posting!

Alfred Forns
12-03-2008, 09:57 AM
Agree with Daniel Just the bright patches for me Do like the careful framing and precise point of focus !!! Excellent !!

Judy Lynn Malloch
12-03-2008, 10:29 AM
Agree with all of the above comments. Very striking image and composition. Excellent work Rene.

Rene' Villela
12-03-2008, 09:07 PM
Daniel.... Greylag? :) No wonder I Googled the name and couldn't find anything! Thanks for that! I already changed the title. OOF? Out Of focus? He!He! I had seen that but I didn't know what it meant! I think the "OOF" guy is the male coz he was also bigger. I don't know much about these geese, that was the first time I saw them.

Judy, Alfred & Daniel.... Thank you for the nice comments. I didn't expect you guys to like it coz I thought it was too simple. I am really happy with your kind words!

I tried to play with the BG but I couldn'T do much with the RAW file on NX2. I'm useless at PP. I just changed a bit on Aperture using Vivenza and the Control Points. I reduced the brightness only. Uhmm! Yeah! It looks better but not as good as I wished!

Here is a repost! Thank you so much!

PS. The lay out of BPN changed, huh!? Too bad we can't se the thumbnails on the front page anymore.