View Full Version : Just before the storm

John Willard
12-18-2008, 08:03 AM
Take at Aligator Farm 3 May 08, Canon EOS 30D, F8.0, 1/200, Canon EF 70-200L IS, at 200mm

Raul Quinones
12-18-2008, 10:13 AM
I like the image, I think it will benefit from noise reduction on the background, burning the reflection on the legs and tight crop. I also notice something strange around the beak.
I include a repost let me know what you think.


Ramon M. Casares
12-18-2008, 01:02 PM
Repost is killer IMO. Big congrats on a very nice and original shot! Love the result you've got.

Tony Whitehead
12-18-2008, 01:03 PM
Nice light showing under wing detail. Stands out well against the dark BG. Lots of colour and luminance noise in the BG- what ISO was this shot at? Very strange effect around the feet and bill - give the impression of on camera flash casting a shadow on the BG behind the bird which should not be the case with a distant dark sky. Raul's repost has cleaned up the noise well.