View Full Version : Brown Pelican - A different look

Bob Blanchard
02-11-2009, 11:17 PM
For some reason, this one kept grabbing my attention during PP. The symmetry of the wings and reflection just works for me. What do you all think?

Canon 50D, 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L @ 340mm (ring locked), IS mode 2, 1/500, ISO 200, +1 EV, AV Mode

Nate Chappell
02-12-2009, 12:50 AM
A unique image Bob, the reflection is great and what makes this shot work for me.

Judd Patterson
02-12-2009, 01:04 AM
Bob, this is really cool. I love the reflected wings that are in such a nice pose. I realize that the pelican is in dive mode trying to chase down a fish or two...but I do wish that a bit more of the head was visible in the image. With such calm water I'm sure you had additional opportunities for some great reflections!

Bob Blanchard
02-12-2009, 08:55 AM
There were some other nice reflection images from this particular morning. I love the wings in this, but agree that the "partial" head is a disctraction. I do think, however, that if the head were not visible at all that it would work too. I even think that a completely submerged head would be better than seeing more of it in this comp.

02-12-2009, 10:59 AM
Hi Bob. Why not try cloning out the little bit of the head with the water splash pixels? I agree with whole head or just wings. Good design elements.

Axel Hildebrandt
02-12-2009, 11:39 AM
Great angle, pose, splash and reflection. A bit more of the head would have made it even better.