Whole lotta love.


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James Shadle

Oct 21, 2007
Valrico, Fl

I love it. However I did have problems isolating birds for portraits.

Nikon D300
Nikon 70-300VR @ 125mm
ISO 800 Manual Exposure @ 1/320ss F9

On a voyage of The Hooptie Deux in Tampa Bay,Florida,USA

Pretty close to full frame. Cropped out a dark bird on the very bottom of the frame.


I looked at this several times before I could convince myself that it was real! What a dense flock. And with that focal length, the compression effect of the perspective is modest, so they must have been really packed in there. I think it would be have great impact when printed large.

I sent along a PM about spoonies. Let me know if you would.


What a great abstract, massive flock of Ibis, hold them for me will you :)
The high keu of the sky makes more special.
Wow James, this is special....the monochrome mass off birds, with that little touch of red is amazing. Very well seen and executed. Wallhanger would be the right word for this!
This is exceptional. A great atypical bird shot. I love the abstract quality, makes it almost seem like an illustration. Congratulations on something completely different.

-Dave Shaw
Holy mama...visual eye-candy!! Strong impact here James, very psychadelic feel... a-la-Led Zeppelin (playing with your title!!)
Like a Jackson Pollock!! So much going on everywhere!! This shot I definitely love--would look great on large canvas!. It may not be the case James but in this small jpg I'm not seeing a lot of detail in the white areas. If it's there in the full size version then this is over the top in the technicals as well as it already is in the artistic. If it were mine I'd tickle some contrast out of those white wings if possible--but like I said, it might be there, I just can't see it too much in the jpg. The black and red separates the birds real cool. Sweet shot there James--I'd be thrilled to get one like it someday.

James, This is super! Love the mass of Ibis-it really is a terrific image -the high-key BG is perfect as it retains a monochromatic feel! Just Love It!!!
I love it too James, the reds and blacks really stand out against the whites and make for a unique pattern.
Very unique image! You can really sense the action. This would look great as a large print.
This looks fantastic, but I'd really like to see a higher res version. Can you indulge us?
This is very cool, great to have the frame filled with birds and the high key BG puts it over the top for me. I have tried something like this with snow geese but it didn't look nearly as interesting.

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