View Full Version : Loon HA Experiment

Keith Carver
07-31-2009, 04:21 PM
I'm finding that getting the right HA for a common loon is challenging. There are plenty of loons on Damariscotta Lake (Maine) and I have many images. I try to shoot when the loon body and head orientation gives maximum eye contact. Here is the best out several dozen tries yesterday and today, and I'm not completely happy even with this one. A very small change in angle makes a huge difference in the "psychic connect" between loon and observer.

This adult loon was standing guard for juvenile and other parent, off scene, overcast skies. Neck was extended, indicating alertness (to me).

50D, 180 mm macro lens L 3.5, 1.4X extender, hand held, ISO 400, f/6.3, 1/640. PP: I reduced some luminance noise in the blacks in the head, neck, also softened the BG.

C&C appreciated, especially on HA.

Arthur Morris
07-31-2009, 05:17 PM
The head angle is fine but loons in overcast present many problems.... As does a bit of a breeze. I have only done loons twice and my favorite images were all made in early morning light on dead calm days. And the best of those feature the bird in green reflections. Lastly, the near tail clip bugs me a bit here.

Keith Carver
07-31-2009, 06:54 PM
Thanks, Artie. Here is a previously posted loon in early am light, but with a little chop, green swirls in the water from hemlocks. HA isn't optimum but here's a case IMO where ripples help make the image.