Very Wet Eagle

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Don Anderson


I shot this series yesterday.. Actually saw the sun. Reeds Landing, MN
50D, 400DO with 1.4x , iso 400, 1/1600 at F8. shooting of a Feisol
carbon fiber tripod with wimberly head. This series is about
every other shot. Each image is about 30% of full frame. The water
is around 3-5 ft. deep.
Fascinating. I've never seen an eagle crash like this. We did once see a pair of eagles systematically trapping and killing a seagull - one was chasing while the other systematically blocked it whenever it tried to fly up until it gave up and landed on the water, at which point one of the eagles killed it, not sure how, possibly drowning, and dragged it ashore where it plucked off many of the feathers while its mate kept watch in a nearby tree. We were too far away for decent pictures with the little camera I had.
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