View Full Version : Red-Bellied WP

Peter Farrell
12-30-2009, 01:36 PM
I logged on to post this image and had second thoughts when I viewed Mike Lentz post of earlier today. But I'm not going to learn without critique so...


Taken in my back yard. I process my raw files in PS elements5. I increased contast and lightened and saturated the image slightly. I also sharpened a small amount. I began to clone out the branches on the right, but decided I liked it better with them in. Sony A700, Sony 70-400G, @400mm, AP, f5.6, 1/500, iso 800, Monopod, 50% of FF

Daniel Cadieux
12-30-2009, 06:55 PM
Hey Peter. Nice individual you photographed here - looks nice and healthy! Would you have able to move left a bit to better separate it from the tree trunk? Since this is from your yard you could wedge a bit of peanut butter between the peeling bark and wait for the WP at a better shooting position. I understand your wanting to leave the branches there at right, but I would definitely reduce the thicker one's impact by either toning it down or ridding it altogether. I like the red head providing a nice splash of colour!

Axel Hildebrandt
12-31-2009, 07:36 AM
Good-looking specimen and eye contact. I also like the soft light and agree with Daniel's suggestions.