One Majestic Osprey

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Denis Glennon

For BPN.jpg

Canon 1DMkIII with a 600mm on a Wimberley Head MkII.
A small portion of the left wingtip has been rebuild and the frame extended to accommodate this.The light was quite low when I took this and the exposure was increased by 1.25 stops in PS. Why the purple & green tinges in the feathers? Noise? If so, why not elsewhere in the image.
Great pose and I like the BG. Could you post some techs and how big a crop is it?
Hi Dennis Dramatic image This is one sweet pose !!! Please post the tech info will be informative to all

You will have most of the noise in the darker areas so here it shows up in the feathers btw excellent PS work also !!!!
Thank you.
Techs are : 1/2000 sec., f/4.5, ISO 400, AI Servo AF, Av mode, Evaluative, White Balance on Daylight.
The finished/cropped image is approx 75% of the orinigal size, so not severe.
Thank you for your helpful comments.
The techs are now posted.
great pose and yes, it is noise, always easier to get in the dark tones.
Super pose! Love the lighter BG. I am anxiously awaiting the return of our Osprey here in Southern Maryland ... could be any day now :)

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