A first for me - Redhead


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Daniel Cadieux

Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada

This was my first time seeing one of these guys, let alone photograph one. Unfortunately it wasn't in prime breeding plumage, but hey, you them the way they are for the first sighting! I did allow close approach with many beautiful portrait opportunities, but I rather like the looser (and a bit unconventional) comp in this one.

It has apparently been there for about a week at this location, so now lets hope it hangs out until freezing and that this is enough time for it to acquire the beautiful plumage it is named for!

Canon 40D + 100-400L @365mm, manual exposure, evaluative metering, (settings histogram checked) 1/320s., f/6.3, ISO 800, natural light, handheld lying flat on my stomach, slight crop for comp (~85% FF)
Very handsome, Daniel. I'm jealous; I've yet to get one of these guys. I like the comp, great eye contact and gorgeous background.
Very nice capture..I've never seen one in Ottawa, would love to add this to my list...Where??
Nice Low angle and exposure..eyes to die for...TFS

Hey Paul, this was at Andrew Haydon Park (east pond). It associates with Mallards (what else!) and comes right to shore with a bit of patience. It came within MFD a few times. Tough to get a low angle at this place - I may still have a kink in my neck from that session and my clothing needed washing ASAP!:D

BTW, there was also a female there with him on Saturday morning...
Very nice image Dan. I love the green BG, the low angle and the intense eyes.

Thanks for the tip on this pair. I too was able to get close to them on Sunday but winds and rain made for very low light and poor image making .
Daniel, I like the BG & the head-on approach of the duck coming toward you. The water droplets on its back are a plus. The exposure looks right on. The perspective, which is great, seems to put you in the water. Were you?
What AF sensor did you use?

Artie, sorry I missed your question!

I used the far right sensor point. Using other than the centre point is something I've been trying more lately - although I'm still more comfortable with the focus/recompose technique)

The perspective, which is great, seems to put you in the water. Were you?

Thanks Andrew! No I wasn't in the water...but lying down with my head lower than my feet on a wet and sloping bank I almost found myself sliding in a couple of times! :)
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Like the low angle, eye contact, and composition. When I photograph ducks on the water, I move my focus point around quite a bit in an attempt to compose in camera.

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