View Full Version : Roseate Spoonbill Family

Alan Murphy
01-01-2011, 06:24 PM
Roseate Spoonbill

High Island, TX

D3, 600, 1.4TC, ISO 800, 5.6, 1/2000.

Happy New Year Everyone.

Randy Stout
01-01-2011, 06:55 PM

I love the fact that all three juvis are paying such rapt attention to the adult.
Effective DOF, nice BG.

On my monitor the image seems to have a modest green cast.

A bit different image for the spoonies, and very effective.



noelle zaleski
01-01-2011, 07:23 PM
Very nice family image Alan. They sure do look hungry :)

Joel Eade
01-01-2011, 08:31 PM
Hi Alan,

Really nice group portrait, did you do something to get their attention? You managed a good head angle on the whole family. I agree with Randy, the whites on their necks looks to have a green tint.

Happy New Year to you as well,


Layton E Parham
01-01-2011, 11:06 PM
Would you consider adding a little canvas on top?

James Shadle
01-01-2011, 11:49 PM
How far away where you? The reason I ask is the DOF is perfect even at 800mm and F5.6

Great interaction and rarely seen behavior. Nice and sharp, perfect DOF for subjects and background.

IMO more room at the top would make this a stronger image.


Jeff Parker
01-01-2011, 11:55 PM
Nice uncluttered background. Cool behaviour shot.

Todd Frost
01-02-2011, 12:38 AM
Nice group shot. Good clean bg with good sharpness throughout. Good suggestion with more room above and I too see the slight green cast.

Stu Bowie
01-02-2011, 03:35 AM
Good family interaction, and good to see the difference in colour between juvies and adult.

Chad Caswell
01-02-2011, 06:42 AM
Great image, love seeing this, I have never seen them in a nest.

Daniel Cadieux
01-02-2011, 08:54 AM
Excellent family portrait in a superb setting! I agree with a bit more room above, and you have an uncharacteristic-for-you colour cast (heavy on the greenish side).

Pieter de Waal
01-02-2011, 11:44 AM
Hi Allan , nice image, I particularly like that all the birds are paying attention, not easy to get, well captured.

Alan Murphy
01-02-2011, 12:39 PM
Joel: I did nothing to get their attention. Just took many frames in hopes of getting a few keepers.

Layton: I have room to give back, but cropped it closer for web detail.

James: I was maybe 100 feet. Not that close.

Thanks for the heads up on the cast, which I see also.