View Full Version : Sunset Roost

Chris Knight
01-20-2011, 01:43 AM
This an environmental shot of Mourning doves on roost at sunset with pond backlighting with sunset reflection on the water. Nikon D7000 200mm f2 w 2x TC Manual 1/640 @ f4 ISO 400 WB Direct Sun Active D lighting to compensate for the silhouette and bring out detail in the birds

William Malacarne
01-20-2011, 09:00 AM

Good job....looking at the thumb I thought this was a silhouette shot, but after looking at the larger file it shows some very nice but subtle detail in the birds.


Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
01-20-2011, 09:24 AM

Greetings. Nice set of colors in the bg. Wish the blue to green line were softer. Might consider cropping the cut off bird in the right center along with its perch.



Dave Leroy
01-20-2011, 04:59 PM
The layers of bg colours stand out nicely. Good eye to see them and take adavantage.

Cropped birds would be hard to avoid in settings like this but I agree that they do detract some.

I wonder what a black silhouette would look like against the colourful bg.


John Chardine
01-21-2011, 05:00 PM
I think Dave is on to something. Maybe increasing the contrast of the image would be an interesting manipulation. I like this one Chris. The colours are very subtle. Multiple-subject images are tough because of the chance that at least one is not right. In this case the main problem bird is the one facing away and only showing its back and tail. The other is the cropped one LL. For fun you might want to play with removing these birds just to see the effect.

Chris Knight
01-21-2011, 11:22 PM
Thank you for the feedback I do have shots where they are a silhouette which works well to. I really like the detail in this one because it was closest to what I saw that caught my attention first. Going for an art shot there would be a lot of cloning to be done. I will work some of that up. It was a unique lighting condition that evening.