Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfisher - pair with food


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Ofer Levy

BBPK pair 2 BPN.jpg

1D Mark IV, Canon 300 2.8 IS, x2 type III, 1/300, f13, iso 500, flashes, tripod, hide

During the four days I spent watching and photographing this pair - they only came to the perch together once. I had about 10 seconds so luck was an important factor in here...:2eyes2:

Nearly full frame
Don't expect us to believe that. You are lucky that you are a good photographer and worked hard to get an amazing image. Love the birds, the dual prey items, that curved tail, the light, the sharpness, the d-o-f, and the BKGR. With the right hand bird tight on the top, creating a source image(assuming that you have no more above in the original) for a stitched pano (with more room above) would have been the way to go. If I see an image like this on the LCD (I wish) I would try to remember to re-focus on the perch with the same EXP set and then simply point the camera up a bit and make a frame or two. Yikes, I almost forgot the two perfect head angles.
cannot add to what Artie exclaimed above - gorgeous birds perfectly captured - the varying prey items make it for me. did you use OCF? do these birds fish as well or only prey on insects and the likes?
Looks like you are hunting down all the KF species , and an awesome job at that . This is an absolut stunner . Look at that tail .....have never seen a KF have that long a tail !!!
Truly wonderful image. Only "luck" is that the birds rewarded you for your preparation and patience by showing up with two different menu items.
Wonderful image. I love that they have different prey items, very cool. Artie's advice is really good...and something I still have to train myself into doing!!
Thanks Mork-man. Just because some folks choose to be lazy,

sloppy and confusing writers does not mean that you have to do the same :)

artie, a very careful writer and reader....

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