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Cheryl Slechta

BPN Member
Apr 22, 2009
Micanopy, Florida
The forum has been dormant for a long time - hopefully we can awaken it:S3:


  • Beneath the despair repost.jpg
    Beneath the despair repost.jpg
    191 KB
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It's beautiful Cheryl, the colors and soft flow work so well together with the words. The fading text makes you take a closer look and carefully read each word. Nicely done. You are the perfect person to awaken this forum!
Everything in this works wonderfully together. A great blur, and tasteful use of text.
You did a wonderful job on this, Cheryl. The image, itself is beautiful. I like the composition, the colors, the diagonal, the slight blur, and its almost mesmerizing quality. You made the words fit well, too. The extra space before "peace" not only results in a fitting hesitation in processing the text but it puts the word in a part of the image that is less dynamic than the region above. The message is beautifully crafted, too. Very nice work.
Nice to see you moderating this forum, Cheryl. I like the choice of image very much and your choice of font. Your picture illustrates your words so well. Did you mean diaphanous with an "a"?
Marina, I did! Thanks for catching the misspelling. I fixed the spelling and uploaded it to replace the original.

Nice to see you moderating this forum, Cheryl. I like the choice of image very much and your choice of font. Your picture illustrates your words so well. Did you mean diaphanous with an "a"?
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A beautiful photo and beautiful words that flow along with the flowing image. I love the repetition of the "L" sound throughout the text. Like a lullaby. It fits well with the impression I get of something being born in the photo. Thanks, Dawn
I had seen this forum listed but never went into it before -- so much to see on BPN! Your image is gorgeous!!

I'll see if I can get inspired to come up with something. I have words for one but have to shoot the image first!! May take a while....
Hi, Diane, thanks so much. I persuaded James to leave this Forum active but unfortunately, I've contributed very little for awhile. It's funny, sometimes an image will inspire me to add words (such as this one) and sometimes it will be words that will send me searching for an image (see my previous post with an Emily Dickinson quote as an example). Hopefully, I can conjure up something soon and I hope you will too. Kerry used to be a regular contributor also so maybe I can persuade him to work on something. It would be a shame for it to go away because sometimes i think we all need a place to put our thoughts into form:S3:
Love this, the words somehow remind me of the small space I occupy and bring about emotions that benefit my soul. Very comforting and inspiring, enjoyed viewing and reading, very much - thank you.

Kind regards,

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