Good locations for bird photography in Colorado during the fall/early winter migration?

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Jon Rista

Well-known member
Sep 27, 2012
I am a relatively new photographer, having done mostly landscapes for the last few years, while picking up bird photography this year. I have yet to get a full solid year of bird photography under my belt. So far, I've photographed during late winter, spring, and summer. Now that fall is here and the weather is quickly turning cold, I'm wondering where the best spots to find bird activity this time of year might be in Colorado. We don't seem to be a great state for birds in general...although we do seem to get a decent variety during migratory periods (mid-late spring, fall).

In particular, I'd love to know where I can find raptors, hawks, eagles, and owls. I've had less luck finding such birds than I have with passerines, waders, and shore birds. Owls in particular are a bird I have yet to photograph at all, despite the fact that they are some of my favorite birds of all. I'd also love to find Cedar Waxwings, and I suspect they won't be finding their way into my yard as I don't have any fruiting or berry-bearing trees or plants that still have fruit this time of year. (The squirrels usually get to ALL of the plums, which are usually pretty plentiful, before fall starts.)

Any information is GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!
Subscribe to: cobirds on birders, but the postings will give you some ideas. I think you are on the eastern side of the Denver metro area and I'm not familiar with that area much. A caution about following the birders: often seeing a tiny bird in a high power scope is fine, but not close enough for great bird photography. Try also a google search for "best birding locations in Colorado" or similar searches for your local area. Often local bird clubs have web sites with good locations. A lot of birds are migrating through Colorado right now on their way south. February-April can be great for owls, including babies (many great horned owls in Colorado). Some years we get snowy owls in the winter and cobirds is a good place to find locations. Join Mile High Wildlife Photography Club and talk with people at the monthly meetings.


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