Barcelona in March

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Michael Hogan

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2008
Wicklow, Ireland
Hi there, I am heading to Barcelona in March for a conference but will go a few days earlier (or later) and bring my camera gear. I know that around the airport there are good birding site - Llobregat delta, but is it good for bird protography. I don't want to bring my 500mm lens with me if it is a waste of time.


HI Michael, I don't know about the Llobregat delta, but north of Barcelona (just south of Roses) you can visit the Empordà wetlands (Parque Natural de Aigüamolls de L'Empordà). It's a marsh area (including salt marshes) with good infrastructure for tourists. Lots of paths and bird hides and a good visitors centre with info on latest sightings. There's a whole list of special species to be found, including flamingo's. In the agricultural areas surrounding the wetlands there's a lot of rice being grown. In the ponds created for that, there's a lot of birds too. The area is about 2hrs drive from the Barcelona airport. If you Google the name, you'll find lots of information. There are some very nice picturesque villages around the area to stay, and Figueres with the fabulous Dalì museum.
A list of bird species and other information can be found here.
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Thanks Jerry for the information. The only problem is that my work trip has been changed to Madrid in the middle of March. So if you, or anyone else out there knows where to go for good bird photography it woul dne much appreciated.



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