What to do Feb 24-27 or March 20-25


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Ted Miller

May 8, 2009
Elkhart county, IN
I posted a question here months ago, asking about what to plan to do on a stopover in FL, and you guys said to post back when I had dates. I have dates, so here goes.

I will be flying through FL in late February and again in late March, to and from a trip to Haiti, on my way home to Indiana. I have not bought my tickets yet, so I can juggle my dates a bit, but my windows are about Feb. 24-27 or March 19-25. I'll be flying through either Miami or Ft. Lauderdale,

So far I have figured out that the Nature Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival is happening just north of Tampa March 22-24.
I also see Aitie and Denise and their Fort DeSoto In-the-field Workshop: FEB 25. If I did this, I would want some further guidance on what to do for a couple of days after that.
Is either of the above the best use of my opportunity, or would you do something completely different with your time?

I haven't been birding in FL since the 1960s, before I kept a life list, and just want a chance to see and photo some of your local specialties. I am a "budget birder", very conscious of costs (so don't tell me to hire a private guide for a few days.)

Any and all advice will be listened to, though it may generate more questions.

Ted Miller
Elkhart, IN
Hi Ted:

Thank you for checking back now that your dates are more firm.

Could you please tell me whether you are more of a birder or a (bird) photographer? Please give me an idea of what gear you have or plan to take with you so that I can better guide you.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Thanks for the reply Marina.

I would probably have to come down on the side of photographer. However, if the birds are too far away to shoot, I don't mind staring through binoculars and scope, especially if i can add something to my life list.

My gear consists of Nikon D300 with 600mm-f5.6, 300mm-f4 and assorted shorter lenses down to 10mm. (My longer lenses are manual focus, taking advantage of Nikon's continuous lens mount evolution to bring older, sharp lenses within my limited budget.)I just got hold of a Gitzo G1548 to hold the rig steady. Over Christmas I added a Tenba rolling backpack, to make the rig more portable. I still feel like a beginning photographer a lot of the time, though I have birded for about 50 years, and taken photos for about 40 years. I only have tried combining them the last few years, and am still down the learning curve. The weather has been so cold I have not ventured out to try the new tripod beyond my hallway (current temp +10, wind chill about 0, this morning wind chill was -15 -- makes Arties favorite "sweet morning light" a bit uninviting).

As a birder, my life list is only at about 375, so I am not setting any records in that department.

I attended one of Artie's workshops in Ohio a few years ago, but at that time he didn't offer any "In the field" experience. At the Midwest Birder's Symposium, I didn't realize I had to sign up ahead of time until his one morning (sunrise) session was full. With that background, I am leaning strongly toward taking advantage of the opportunity on February 25 to get into the field with Artie. With that in my schedule, I might not mind of some of the rest of my time was spent more "birding" than "photographing", but I'll take whatever opportunity presents itself.

I note that you are in the Tampa area (where Artie's session will be), and appreciate your taking the time to give me some informed, local input. Your web site shows me you have already mastered many things I am still working on in the bird photo area (and you have probably been able to put more time in than I have).

Ted Miller
Thanks for the response, Ted. I have never been to the Nature Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival so can't give you much advice there but I notice that David Moynahan is giving a little workshop which would be good. Artie's in the field workshop sounds good. I think you may have a tough time doing the shorebirds or birds in flight with a manual lens though. Boy, I can't believe we used to manual focus everything. :) You should have plenty to photograph for those days at Fort DeSoto Park at either time of year. I heard the Long-billed Curlew is back and there are plenty of shorebirds.

I think a great idea for you from March 19-25 would be photographing at Gatorland in Orlando, FL. They have daily and annual photography passes which let you in at 7:30 to dusk from Thursday to Sunday morning and at that time of year, the birds will be very busy nesting and with chicks. The nests are very accessible and you will able to photograph with your shorter auto focus lenses. Also near Gatorland is Circle B Bar Reserve in Lakeland which is free and great fun for photography. You check into that on line or check out the Facebook page to see what's going on.

Let me know if you have any other questions. :)
Thanks for the info, Marina. I am pretty well thinking that I will go for the February time window. One reason is that I always come back from Haiti pretty well exhausted, and it is harder to "get into" birding when I am exhausted.

I did some reading on Ft. DeSoto Park, and it does indeed sound like I could spend a lot more time there than just the one morning of the workshop.

Anywhere else in the area that should be on my "don't miss" list, particularly somewhere with a completely different habitat (for variety)?

From the way you phrased it, I assume that the end of February is too early for the nesting to be interesting at Gatorland.
Ted Miller
Gatorland is very good in late February as well but I noticed that the only day you could take advantage of the early opening and closing was on that Sunday. However, you can shoot all day at Gatorland if you have a cloudy day or you can use some flash in the middle of the day. I think you would love Circle B Bar Reserve as well which is fairly close to Gatorland.

As far as a place close to Fort Desoto to photograph, there really isn't anything I can think of off hand.
Let me rephrase my thought. If I spend 2 days shooting at Fr. DeSoto, and I want to spend another day experiencing (not necessarily photographing) an Everglades environment,, where would you recommend? Assume I have a rental car, so Circle B Bar Reserve is a possibility, Would that be your choice, or would there be somewhere else? Anywhere that offers any kinds of help in identifying birds would be a plus as I would like to add to my life list (whether that help is a guide or good checklist or other help). I guess another way to say it is "Where would you send me that I can be in an Everglades environment and be able to identify the new birds that I see?

Thanks for all the advice,
Ted Miller
I would say that Circle B is what you are looking for. It's great for landscapes/birdscapes early and late in the days. One time I went there with a birder and counted 50 species without trying too hard. There are also gators and otters. A # of species are nesting there. Go to their Facebook page and you will see what's going on on a daily basis with pictures posted. It's like heaven for birders there. For example, they have American Bittern, Purple Gallinule, Sora, Fulvous Whisling Duck. You can hire a guide to go with you but there are a lot of birders there and they are very helpful. I think you might prefer 2 days @ Circle B vs Fort DeSoto.
Well, I am on to Plan B. Tried to reserve a spot on Art Morris' morning, but they have already started a wait list. So, I am back to looking at March. Will probably end up more like March 22-26 for birding time, when the dust settles.

So, it looks like I will take in the Nature Coast Festival, plus probably check out Ft. DeSoto and the Circle B Reserve, maybe even squeeze in Gatorland on the 22nd. I'll have to study the Nature Coast schedule, and then try to fit other things around the activities I want to take in there.

Thanks for the suggestions Marina. I don't feel totally lost any more.
Ted Miller
Well, I am on to Plan B. Tried to reserve a spot on Art Morris' morning, but they have already started a wait list. So, I am back to looking at March. Will probably end up more like March 22-26 for birding time, when the dust settles.

So, it looks like I will take in the Nature Coast Festival, plus probably check out Ft. DeSoto and the Circle B Reserve, maybe even squeeze in Gatorland on the 22nd. I'll have to study the Nature Coast schedule, and then try to fit other things around the activities I want to take in there.

Thanks for the suggestions Marina. I don't feel totally lost any more.
Ted Miller

Feel free to ask me more quesitons as the time grows closer. If I were in your shoes and I couldn't get into Artie's morning, I would probably nix the Nature Coast Festival and stick with Gatorland and Circle B. March is usually better for Fort DeSoto anyway. You will have PLENTY to see and do at those 2 locations and they aren't too far from each other.

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