Trip to Yellowstone around August - Looking for a naturalist tour

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Feb 23, 2013
Ft. Lauderdale
My wife and I will be traveling to Yellowstone National Park this coming August. We will be with some friends most of the trip, but then we will have a couple of days by ourselves. I would like to use the experience and guidance of a local naturalist who knows the park and may even have some photographic experience to take us on a tour to see bears, wolves, or any other interesting wildlife that may be viewable during this time of the year. We are South Floridians so keep in mind that even a small deer will be a special sighting :S3:

Would anyone be able to recommend a biologist, naturalist, or ecologist who may be able to take my wife and I on a private tour to photograph at the park?

Thank you all for your suggestions and feedback!
Contact Yellowstone Alpen Guides and ask for Dave Akers. Dave lives in the area and is a photographer - shooting Nikon. He was our guide in 2010 and 2011 for winter trips into Yellowstone. He lives in the West Yellowstone area year around. He really knows wildlife in the central and western areas of the park.

If you are looking to visit Lamar Valley, you can do that as a self guided tour. Dave could help there, but given the distances he gets to Lamar Valley less often. West Yellowstone guides typically specialize in central Yellowstone and the area from West Yellowstone to Old Faithful and along the Madison River.

Dave is pretty fit, so you can work with him on a driving tour or hiking.

Depending on your interests, you might explore hiring a volcanologist or part time park service employee as a guide. I don't have a name, but you could try calling the park and asking for assistance. A day with a volcanologist woudl be fascinating. I did something similar in Volcanoes NP a few years ago.

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