Adding image to post

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douglas hayes

Well-known member
May 16, 2012
hello i am attempting to add an image to my first post, however there is no management or other active link on my post page. What am i missing? THANKS
I have the same problem. I want to post my images on the Avian forum for critique, but when I click on the "New Thread" button, the following screen does not give me the option to upload my image/attachment? I am logged in, so I don't know what i'm doing wrong? I did check out the link in Randy's post. When I scroll down to "Additional Options", there is no option to select "Manage Attachments"

Can anyone maybe advise.
Conrad - As a Forum Participant rather than a Member your image needs to be hosted elsewhere and posted by using the "insert image" button as described in the bottom half of the link posted by Randy above.

Let us know if you still have problems after following the instructions for Forum Participants.

It would be nice if that section could have just a small improvement to formatting so the Forum Participant sections stands out more clearly. It isn't easy to find.

And Conrad, there are several BG color schemes here (can be changed on the fly in the far lower left corner of each screen). For those using a dark BG, your text appears as black on black -- barely visible. I don't know how to change the text color but maybe someone else can suggest a way -- it's nice to have it visible to everyone up front.
Thanks Rachel, can you maybe tell me how I can be upgraded to forum member rather than participant? Diane, my previous post was copied and pasted from an email, that is maybe why it appeared dark. Unless if this post is dark again.. I appreciate the help.
Text color is fine here! (Amazing what computers can do "for" us.)

Look near the top of the page (any page) -- there is a blue bar (well, it's blue in the color scheme I use...) and halfway across is a tab for Membership -- just click the Order button. It defaults to PayPal but now there is a credit card option through the Birds as Art store. Not sure but I assume you have to go there to do ti that way.

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