Posts Need Approval Now?

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Jackie, only your posts seem to need approving (I'll go ahead and approve them now). Your signature is not quite right though which may be triggering the forum to thinking it is spam thus queuing your posts for moderation??
Daniel, I have the same issue. It seems that some people were given lifetime memberships (some erroneously) and those people now have messed up signatures and cannot post. I can't post either.
You're still a moderator from what I can see over here:S3:, but you have the same signature issue as Jackie (and some others too).
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I am having the same problem in the Introduction forum...said posts needed to be Ok'd by a Mod.


Taken care of. ;)
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Same for me.
I have posted twice on the Gear forum, get the message and the posts don't show up.
I guess they are worried about spam or something?
I won't bother posting on that forum again.....
I just attempted to post replies to 3 threads and posted a new thread in the Avian forum. Two of the posts showed up immediately, one post and my thread are waiting moderation. Can you elaborate on what the signature issue is and if mine is an issue that I need to fix? Or what I may have done to require moderation on one post? I can understand the new thread, this is the first I tried other than an intro.

Hi Bill, I just approved your posts. I am not sure why this happened, but suspect you might be posting 'too quickly'. Try to keep at least 60 seconds between posts. PM me next time when it happens again.

Will do. I am a fast typer, that is for sure!

Thanks for the "quick" reply.

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