downloading images

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2013
Grass Valley, CA
I have a continuing problem that I don't understand. I use Preview on my iMac to resize images. For example, I am trying to download and image that preview says is 1100 X 768 and 207 kb. The BPN downloader says it is too large?!?! What am I missing here?
I think I have figured out my problem. I was trying to post at too high a resolution, reduced to 140 and better.....what resolution do others recommend?
Preview isn't the best way to resize an image. Do you have PS, or Elements, or Lightroom? That's a better way to do it.

Resolution has no meaning for an image posted to the web. Pixel dimensions and JPEG compression that are the factors you need to consider. The best results for BPN are to post at the recommended max size of 1400 pixels horizontal by 900 vertical. If there is a lot of detail in the image you'll need to adjust the JPEG "quality" (compression) down. For viewing at that size, you can go down a lot before you see any difference.

You can use Preview to compare two images of different compression to see if there is any significant difference.
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thanks diane. I just figured out what you stated and reposted a mink photo in wildlife with success. I appreciate very much all the interest folks here take in helping others.

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