Birds around Pune

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BPN Member
Sep 3, 2011
Pune , India
Hi all,

Posting the first video edited , this was shot with the Panasonic GH4

Made for non commercial use.

Its on vimeo at the below link

Used the CINE D settings with all settings at - 3 and the master pedestal at 15

Would like to have your feedback on improvements and any other suggestions you have are most welcome.

best regards
Hi Vishal, some very neat shots in there, esp the opening shots with the lark and the roller (which looks like it's in heaven :S3:), even the owl. Nice to see the grebe interactions and the herons feeding, very nice work! I liked the raptor / roller sequence as well, though I have a gripe with it which extends to the whole video really, which is that the quality of the shots varies considerably. Some of the shots are in gorgeous light (the magpies and opening shots), and others are desaturated (grebes etc.), which makes for an inconsistent viewing experience. This is ofcourse natural as we can't predict how the lighting is going to be for various shots over multiple days/weeks if not months. Yet it comes in the way of the viewing experience, perhaps this can be split into two videos, I don't really know of a constructive remedy here. One additional thing, I think you've figured it out already, is to give more headroom for the heron shots (Pond Heron), you've nailed it for the Little Heron. Hope this helps.

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