Florida March 2015 - One Week and my first Visit only for Bird Photography, so wich Lenses ????


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Eric Dienesch

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2013
Hello to all,

in March 2015 (3/20/2015) i will arrive FROM Frankfurt/Germany in Miami. A Dream Comes True for me. :tinysmile_shy_t:

I will Rent a SUV and then one week only wildlife photography is on my wishlist. :)

My main aims will be the ospreys and the Burrowing Owls.. so i think and plan about these locations:


Lake Blue Cypress

I know many people ask about the same.. so i will read as much as i can here.
But my first question is another one:

I dont know, wich are th best lenses for this trip.
I want to achieve the best possible compromise.
Teleconverters will be no problem in any case and a monopod/tripod is in the normal luggage.

These Lenses are possible and i have two bodies for choose: 1DX and the new 7D Mark II

EF 600/4 II L IS (my best lens, quality is outstanding; but it is still heavy and not very good for handheld shooting) :c3:
EF 300/2.8 L IS (Version1, i coud borrow me this one from a friend) without TC or with 1.4 TC it is very good, with 2x TC not bad.
EF 100-400L IS (Version 1, i have a good one)
EF 70-200L IS II ( i could borrow me this one also from a friend)

But not all together ! So thats my problem:

1.) IF i carry the 600mm Primelens by plane, there is only space for one smaller lens (70-200 or the 100-400) and only for ONE Body (Fullframe or Crop then ??) !
2.) IF i carry the (smaller) 300mm Primelens with me, ich could take both smaller lenses and both bodies also with me.

But wich Combination is the best one to achieve maximumm of good pictures in the seven days ??

So please, what is recommended from the Florida Specialists here ? :e3

Thank You So much :5 :wave:

I am in a similar situation but in April and for 2 weeks.
I intend to rent the new 400/4 DO II IS so with TC1.4x and T2.0X I can have 400/4,500/5.6 and 800/8.
And handhold.
Last year for a similar trip but for only 4 days I bought a Gura Gear Batafle bag which I think can fit your 600/4 and much more.
I would be interesting knowing your itinerary, where to stay, for how long and so on.
Good luck !
Hello and thx..
i am just starting with my plans.. but when it is more concrete, i will post it, for sure.

Greetings Eric

I think the 600/4 and the 100-400l is a good deal, or not ??
Last year I went to Circle B Bar reserve (Lakeland) and Gatorland. My biggest lens was a Sigma 120-300/2.8 + TC 2X. Canon 7D and 6D. I think it worked fine for 90% of situations. A lot of ospreys. And herons at Gatorland. I think you would be fine with your combo.
For the places you wish to go, I think you are good with the 300/2.8 as your main lens with teleconverters. However, that said, I cannot imagine traveling across the ocean and NOT having my longest lens with me. You will not need it for the ospreys or the burrowing owls for sure. You can use your TC's with the 300 for the others.
Hello Marina, thank you very much for your advices. But thats the problem.. :w3
i also think about the 600/4L IS II because it is THE primelens !
It is very sharp and very fast, but not good without tripod/monopod use for a longer time.

So asking th other way round.. what is more usefully for ospreys and burrowing owl: The 600 or the 300 prime ?
and is there a location for me, where my 600mm/4L IS II will be nearly matchless ???

Thank you all again !!!

EDIT: I looked at your wonderfull homepage,especially your birds and here bird of prey pictures and then the exif data.

600mm could be worth to have it.. ;)
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Marina, thank you again, really valuable tips from your side !!!! :wave:

The only problem with the EF 300/2.8L IS Version 1 is that with my 2x TC it is not so sharp wide open and a little bit slower wih the 7D Mark II.
so i have to take aperture 7.1 to get real sharp photos.

But when i can get close enought to the owl and ospreys to get (nearly) fullframed pictures with 420mm and f:4 and my 7D Mark II, then i dont need the big lense. thats my key issue ?

So one question is unresolved: Are there or could it be, that there are situations in Florida for an bird photographers (inexperiend in your country),
where the 600/4 is really the best choice, for example with teleconverters ?

Thank you again..

PS: Sorry for my written english: its school english, but more than 25 years ago :2eyes2:
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Hello Marina ,
yes of course.. you are right and i have an Thinktank Streetwalker Harddrive, place is enough i think. ;)

Then that seems to be a good deal: The EF 300/2.8L IS with both Convertes and the 100-400L; both flexible with the fullframe 1Dx OR the Crop 7D2 dpending on the situation.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH AGAIN: if we meet in Florida i will spend you a drink, for sure. :cheers:
But Friends.. don`t stop with useful tips , either for lenses or and that would be great with special tips for locations. owls, ospreys, egrets.. i love them all.

Do you think the circle b bar reserve is also a good adress in March ?
Are the trails by car or by foot ?

Thank you all again

Hello Eric,

You asked about Circle B in March. March would be a good time, Circle B is like most places for bird photography in that one day can be fantastic and the next not so. You will always find something interesting there. The nature reserve is a little over 1000 acres, most of it wetlands and marsh. All of the trails are walking. Very early morning you will find mostly photographers, from amateurs to professional. The birds that frequent Circle B are herons, egrets. limpkins, ospreys, eagles and various small birds such as buntings, warblers, vireos and woodpeckers. The best light early morning will be found along the trails Heron's Hideout and Wading Bird Way. On both of those trails you can have the sun at your back and capture what is in front of you.

On a side note if you are in Florida in March I would not miss the rookery at Gatorland in Orlando. They sell a photographers pass that allows you entrance at 7:30 AM before it is open to the general public. The breeding/nesting birds are fantastic with many just feet away.

Hoping this helps...
Thank you both. It sounds good and will be a part of my plannings.
Joe: What focal length would you prefer at these places, i mean circle b "Heron`s Hideout and Wading Bird Way" and the gatorland ?? :e3

Gatorland is on my list and i heared about the photographers pass.
but this (photo-)admission is linked to an annual pass, isn`t it ?
Ok not so expensive, but i had problems to order it online, from germany, ZIP Code Problems

Thank you again; I am still planning and are very pleased for all helpful hints.
And Frank.. the 600/4l IS II is not out of race yet, i ve made a few pictures today with this superb lens (we have a rainy, windy and cloudy winter day here);
a heron in 60meters with 840m (on 7D2) fly away. i began to smile, when checked the pictures.
What shall i say: This Lens is the best you can get.. the only problem.. it`s quit bulky :c3:

THX !!

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Circle B Bar reserve and Gatorland were my trip in 2014. I only had 4 days. 2 at each. This year I'll have 2 weeks.
Definetly bring your 600mm/4 if weight (and carrying it) it is not an issue.
I am considering going back to Circle B as Marsh Rabbit Run trail was closed and it is supossed the best trail for wildlife according to locals.
600/4 too big for Gatorland (on the trail) but good for the other side of the lake.
Here is a picture from my Lightroom catalog at these 2 places.

If you're interested we can setup a scheme to share the trip planning as we're doing the same trip only in different months.
I am using facebook as a shared bookmarks platform so I can keep everything about a subject in just 1 place using various devices (tablet,computers,notebook,smartphone).
And people can comment (and help).
Helo Fabio,
great thanx, your list is very usefull !!!

I will take my 600/4 together with my 100-400L (for all nearer things), the 300mm is out of race...

so it will be nearly this package for my hand luggage: :bg3:

Helo Fabio,
great thanx, your list is very usefull !!!

I will take my 600/4 together with my 100-400L (for all nearer things), the 300mm is out of race...

so it will be nearly this package for my hand luggage: :bg3:

I think what you mention here would be ideal. Regarding your previous post about Gatorland... a daily photographers pass/admission to Gatorland allows you to enter early. I only purchase a daily pass a couple days before I intend to visit the park.
If your shooting with the 1DX then you need the 600 I often need more reach with my 500 and 1.3 cropped 1DIII I would also find a way to bring the 7D II if your allowed two carry ons this should not be a problem if not just wear it around your neck. I know everyone who comes to Florida has Circle B on their list but I have never found it to be reliable the same for Sanibel and Ding Darling I would spend those days in Ft Desoto or Estero.
Thank You Don,

yes i will take the 7D II with me, so i can equip both lenses (and i can take a small 18-55 IS for all the rest in my pocket). And thank you also for your opinion to circle b,
i will remember it in my plans

i have now booked my rooms: i will stay most of the time at ft. myers.. and from this point starting to places like ft. myers beach, cape coral and sanibel island.
the last days i will travel to titusville and check the place at the east coast in Florida. its only one week, so i have to plan carefully :)

BUT the little owls and the ospreys are my favourite targets in this week.. other raptors or bird of preys and herons and so on will follow, but the first two species are on top for me.

Thx again.. and i will be happy for every tip or experience from you or other forum members. :)


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