Overall Grand Prize 2014 - David Salem


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HUGE Congrats on this well deserved honor David. I haven't been here very long, but it's immediately obvious that there are a lot of very talented photographers posting outstanding images here on a regular basis. Everything has already been said about your winning image... it is indeed a superb moment, captured and processed perfectly. From the BG I'm pretty sure I know the spot you were at to capture this at BC, it's a great spot. Congrats once again my friend, and looking forward to shooting with you a few times this year. :)
I am so very happy that your image terned out to be the winner. Though I'm not surprised. You set the bar high for yourself and it shows in your work. One of the things I most admire is that you channel your passion through excellence and performance. And now you're making your knowledge and experience available to students of the art and craft of bird photography.

Congratulations, David. And best wishes for what you capture in the future.

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