2008, the distant past, when I signed up but forgot, so a Re-Intro ...


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Bill Dewey

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2008
It I ever "intro'd" myself before. Evidently, since I see 2008 on my profile, I had registered here and then somehow "forgot". I was reminded of this forum today, came to look, found out I am "OK" until June, then I need to become "real". So I figure it is time to look, see what I see, yada-yada.

Me, not much to say, basically I am happy shooting anything that moves faster than a tree. In other words, Landscapes are not my forte, although I do need to learn more in that area. I enjoy wildlife and sports mostly, hopefully I can contribute enough in the next month to convince myself to stick around, if you all don't run me off prior.

I live to learn, and am hoping you can teach me a thing or two.

So far I like what I see.
Thank you all for the kind welcome. Made my first post in the Story forum yesterday, hoping to gather more comments, yes this is a plug to go and look :bg3: I am hoping that this will be a place where I can get more response and information, I will be trying to do my bit as well. Hopefully I will give back as well as I get, as that in my opinion is how we all learn.
Hello Bill,

Sorry to come in so late here, just wanted to thank you again for your participation in the Story Sequences Forum- I really appreciate your presence and images posted. Looking forward to finding more images from you in other forums as well:cheers:

Have a wonderful week-end,

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